Bhagwan Osho Shree Rajneesh in Poona Cashram:
and in Cyber-Space
by Sw. Mitra
and by Sw. Deva Sarlo
in this Sarlo-Group too:
this group as well:
by the foundour
Sw. Hariprem
Other lineage (maybe Ramana)
Gene Poole, Judy Rhodes, ... and Jerry
Katz in their group
with the New Nondual Cult
and Judy Rhodes group too:
the Indian Harsha belongs to this Coterie too:
and his holy gathering:
minor players in the Guru-Market:
Ganga with her groups:
The funny two Jeffs, No.1, the Enlighened
Jeff Belyea from his group:
and No.2: Jeff, the Buddha Broker
from his different groups:
very active Michael Martin, The Western
Sat Guru
from his groups:
of this lineage:
with the active group - (still open):
Others in the enlightenment elevating entertainment spiritual achievment market
don't give free access or set the group-rules to
Restricted membership
post from new members require approval
All messages require approval
Rabbi Yossi Markel
or ''a_kumar_8824''
Or Alton from Hawai
Series will be
continued, keep connected
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