<-Sw. Prem Amrito (OIF)

To: osho-beyond-bondage@yahoogroups.com 
From: "prem amrito" <prem_amrito@.......> 

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 07:34:00 +0100 (BST) 
Subject: [osho-beyond-bondage] osho is a registered name 

Hello Moderator & Group Members, 

OSHO is a registered name of Osho International foundation. This e-group is illegally using the name Osho.Form Hence forth the group needs to pay a Royalty of 1000 dollarsto OIF from next month. Otherwise we will be forced to take appropriatelegal action. I will contact this group again after a week. Please decidewithin a week & let me know. 

With Love Amrito on behalf of oif

Sw.  Devaraj, now: Prem Amrito


Amrito in German TV, ARD, Monday 20. Octobre, 2003