<-Sarlo, Deva

 ---- Original Message ----- 
From: Sarlo 
To: Guru Ratings List 
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 9:53 PM
Subject: [GuruRatings] Bye bye n0by

Sarlo Moderator Sannyas-Gulag (click the pic!)

Earlier there were a couple of posts from n0by, basically stuff overflowing from a dispute on another list. He has in fact posted his complaints to many lists, irrespective of topic.

Feeling no certainty that he will refrain from this in the future -- should  the future exist -- i am taking the step of unsubbing him and putting all  new members on moderation. This to prevent him from reposting under a new name, or his old name for that matter. I apologise for any inconvenience to  people who join after this post. (Means they will have to wait till i "approve" a letter before it gets posted).

In the interests of "fairness," i hereby inform all and sundry that to forward his letters will lead to getting unsubbed in a similar manner.

Love, Sarlo
