Message #32072 of 32076 |
CMD and Zora and Knobby The title of this thread includes the words 'No Value' I am suggesting: Finding the Value within the No Value Finding the value of moods within a certain understanding that they are of no ultimate value Following on from the report of Knobby's radar picking up on the hate from sons towards mothers I propose that: Accumulated resentment against men comes up in the mother's dealings with a son. This body of resentment is what sons are fighting against. Hate at this time in human history comes from both sides in mother /son communication. CMD wants to see Zora use the head(and heart) for communication. Can Zora say how she is going with this? Wasn't it the son in this case who wasnt using the head and was overcome by his moods? Am I wrong about this? does CMD think he was displaying logic THEN? Using the head seems impossible for me when these moods take over. No Value being given to the moods and asking 'who is this? ' (as Zora's 'who is this feeling hurt?') and seeing it is not the reality of Presence , and then subsequently allowing Presence which brings some distance and awareness ,seems the solution. Once the mood has passed , treating the moods as of Value in the sense of looking at them ,asking what is this mood, why this hate in the [admittedly false] personality? What is this mother/son M/F & F/M war ? Mentally investigating to help i) the individual situation ii) humanity Finding Both M/F F/M within has been touched on. Can anyone add to this? Cheers Carrie |
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