Although he lived 2300 years bc ;he
nonetheless spoke of a future in which women..he said the root of all
evil..would rule the cosmos with testical stomping power !The great great
grandfather of the mighty Chuek ;he beheld a vision in which only his great
grandson would not yeild to the wiles of clever little girls like Rasa and
Peggy Sue !He foretold of a great battle in the which Chuek would
victoriously behead the evil empresses and throw them to the floor in
disgust !He was the forerunner of the great sages Jesus,Confuscious,Hitler,Cassius Clay and last but not least BB.King.This puny gentleman of parts unknown but probably india ...lived a short but lively life in times which are largley unrecorded history, and in which the motor car would seem out of place !I have generously donated a photograph of him in the files section ! |
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