Dear N0by, Being in this group for more than 3 months and enjoying, first I thank you for creating this group and provide open environment for interaction without any moderation.Thanks for sharing your views about enlightenment. I sense you are uncomfortable with me because of my some of my statements.Let me try to clear the air. I hope you tolerate and have patience to go through my long explanation. My explanations: 1.Enlightenment: I feel you are uncomfortable because of my statements about your enlightenment. My first post is "N0by, Are you enlightened?" And after some weeks, I asked Zora "Do you doubt N0by's enlightenment" in some post. And third one is recent `N0by claimed enlightenment but no one in the group seems to ask guidance from him' First I want to make clear that I am not worried whether you are enlightened or not. Also I am not going to argue here whether `enlightenment' is TRUTH or not. Just I want to clear the misunderstanding. Every statement is for argument purpose only used in relevant context. It is not aimed at humiliating you or kidding you even in indirect way. |
2.I am a liar: You might have developed the feeling that I am lying because I have played with Prakki Surya as James Christopher. Also because of my changes from Jeevan Sahaj – Jeeva Rakshita – Cosmic Jeeva – James Christopher. You have expressed your frustration already by creating a website for James Christopher I have already given you my original details and I have repeated very often in the posts that I am not James Christopher. In spite of my explanations you keep imagining me as James Christopher. Some of my guess: •You are feeling that Jeevan Sahaj had left the group. Some one who is already in the group taken this opportunity (JC) to project himself as erstwhile Jeevan Sahaj. Other wise why should you create a new site for James Christopher instead of keeping it under Jeevan. •You think JC is playing by sending some picture as Prabhakaran. •Yourself felt guilty and ashamed at your rapid judgment and creating the web page for JC. When you come to know the fact, to hide your face and maintain your dignity you are projecting me as JC. Still now I wonder what factors have motivated you in having such imaginations. 3.Avatar: You have a mysterious feeling that I am projecting myself as Avatar. I am not denying that I have claimed my enlightenment initially. Because of my initial proclamation and my comments on others who are claiming themselves as enlightened or their master is GOD incarnation might have given you the impression that by commenting on others I want to project myself as the real Master. I have not mentioned anywhere as Avatar until now. But you are ready to spread false information. I have not claimed that I have super natural psychic powers. Neither I have induced any one to come and seek my blessings nor did I claim I will remove all the sufferings and provide benefits ,materialistic/spiritual. I am repeatedly mentioning in the posts I am not interested in worshipping any Masters or GOD. You might have misunderstood that `I am claiming myself as best Master or GOD .So there is no need for me to worship others and people should worship me as an Avatar'. It is really a very exciting fun. Just I am leading a normal life like you based on reality .Only difference is what you have realized after many years I have realized quickly within a year time by devoted self observation, experimentation and application. I have taken many risks for that except settling in Ashrams or seeking physical external Guru. It is not that I am averse to learning from others but I am averse to the external and internal politics in Ashrams. If you have any further doubts about my identity or anything and feel uncomfortable to openly ask in the list you can send me a personal e-mail. Let us be Friends Love, Jeeva P.S : Your antagonistic attitude towards Indian wisdom and Gurus is a surprise for me..Suppose if you feel you are cheated it might be because of over expectations.Are you denying the wisdom of Saints , wise man , yogis , siddhars as false and they are money minded.It would be again rapid judgement. |
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