AIRHEADS^AKA DOLLS VS GOONS http://groups.yahoo.com/group/antisarloratings/ The lines are drawn. Airheads of Advaita have attacked Dualist Lover Dolls, and it ain't no picnic. Airheads think love is in the air, but dolls say it's everywhere, including bodies. Airheads call dolls names, and cannot admit dolls are superior goddesses who can control and dominate 'goons.' What is going on? Sarlo Guru Ratings http://www.n0by.de/2/rst/sarlo.htm has trashed real-life gurus, including Rasa Von Werder. Rasa fights back for the goddesses, gurus, and all the devotees with spiritual power and everything else. See the fun and action here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/n0by/ |
SLANDERED AND DEFAMED BY THE WICKED POST YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY HERE. BATTLE CRY OF THE JUST Let God arise! Let Her enemies be scattered! http://www.womanthouartgod.com/howto_exorcisms.php Rebuke, correction & chastisement are followed by conviction, reformation & justice. There cannot be forgiveness without repentance & amendment. * Spare the rod, & spoil the child * God chastizes those whom She loves * Burn me here, Lord, but not in eternity * I was not humble untill I was humbled * Discipline is good for the soul * Praise the Lord, & pass the ammunition (Aimee Semple McPherson) We seek to find justice against internet miscreants who are ridiculing, humiliating & lying about gurus, holy souls & believers. Many of them are located here: http://www.n0by.de/2/rst/sarlo.htm The men here have a special spot in their spleen for women. Women scare them. They live in their heads, as if God is in the air, but not in the body. They fear the God of the Feminine Divine, the Word made Flesh in Woman. They fear her power, her overwhelming Presence, Beauty, Sexual, Physical & Spiritual Strength. To allay their fear, they destroy her in their minds, as if that could touch her. Unfortunately, they also make copious posts defaming & deriding her, & that should be accounted for. The women they have picked on the most are Amma the Hugging Saint, Swami G, & Rasa Von Werder. These women drive them to hysterics of fear and insecurity, & they lash out with ignominy against them. |
This group is an answer to a problem - To give the
guru's side of the story. To set the record straight, to bring these men to
task. Use this group as the place to exonerate & vindicate the just & holy
souls, the gurus & ministers of God; and to expose the liars & frauds who
defame them. SEE PICTURE SECTION 225 (more each day) IMAGES 'SARLO & HIS GOONS' RASA & ASSOCIATES READY TO DEFEAT GOONS http://groups.yahoo.com/group/n0by/ |
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