Dear n0by, you got me right, Munich's ambassador of Hypocratia blocked my message for his cleanroom and it seems as if he has also thrown me out of the list, as I do not get mails from that list anymore. It seems, that even the people of the Sannyas-Forum can stand a little more than he does. Not your dose, but a little more. I guess, Surendra's outbreak had little to do with Chetan's crossposting but a lot with his prejudices and jealousy. Anyway, I am again and again surprised, how little is needed to get these people up the tree. It's too sad even to laugh about. During the last years it has become "in" to talk of insulted religious feelings, but I may be too stupid to understand what that should actually be. I can feel with what tired eyes you and Michael watch that drifting of the sannyas scene. I am not sure, if this is really a new phenomenon. Even in the days gone by there were always enough holy highpriests to get sick of. Now the cat is gone, so the mice dance on the table and try to miauuu. Myself, I have been ignorant for my whole life and still am, even, if I try to do not. So as far as I am concerned, fighting against those fanatics is just a mirror fight and it feels to me like trying to prevent the ocean from throwing waves on the shore. I have not yet mobilized enough energy to handle this in the way you and Michael do. The more I try, the more I behave like an idiot. But that seems to be the only thing I am actually capable of. feel hugged Pavitro |
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