Jeeva (Chennai, India) inspires me with his touching words (msg
26877): ''Can all of us work together for better reality taking the
group from bitter->better->butter stage.''
Yesterday, Saturday, my Mimamai and I, we take our bikes in Mima's new,
white VW-Transporter, her ''Seacow''. After one hour drive we
arrive in the splendid sunny morning at Prien, Chiemsee. Chiemsee
is the biggest lake in Bavaria - called ''the Barian Sea''.
From morning till 6.00 p.m. we drive on bike around 70 Kilometres in
this sunny spring paradies. Afterwards we visit the Thermal Bath Bad
Endorf. There we swim outside in 34 Celsius warm water. We watch
the sun going down with red glowing fire works.
Totally relaxed, happy and with filled life accumulator we drive home and
sleep dreamless. Now, Sunday morning, it is raining once again.
This brilliant sunny day after these depressing winter months of cold
darkness, the last melting snow, the singing birds, the pittoresques
flowers give us an unforgettable glimpse ''for better reality ''.

''Birds Flu - locked area''