Not only my e-mails are crazy, my behaviour is crazy too. But because of my craziness it is easier to write then to meet people in real life. In my youth my fingers wrote fantasies for the big keyboard: my piano. My silly songs are still online on
my site. On Christmas Market my craziness talks for Mima's sales. Sales are funny - for a short while. I sold insurances from 1979 to 1984 with marvellous money success but harm for my heath. The secret for successful sales are easy: first you have to sell an honest product - yourself. Second you have to influence with your male magnetism willing females. Third you have to please your customer in all her emotions like a mirror. That's it! With this energy it's funny to sell today on Mima's Market. A wife on the market is a very proletarian profession. She counts dirty money in little amounts all day long. At the evening our fingers are nearly black from dirty money. It's cold in her hut. Mima is an absolute honest, but simple woman. Her heart qualities are her best, her calculation skills are less. |
Again my sales skills sold a tractor with trailer to a woman: 55,-- Euro sales for Mima! Next morning a young boy wants a solid sledge: 40 Euros. That is a proud sum in Mima's market hut. That's not the kind of EGO pride like from ENLIGHTENED IDIOT OZAY, THE TEXT PROCESSING ROBOT! This is hunter's pride to have caught something! |
Mima has worked for her 24 days on her Christmas Market seven monthes long! She pays half price of her Sea Cow, the VW Transporter,
her trailer, two garages, she pays her food, clothes, health insurance, her hair cut, everything! Each year again it is a new wonder, how Mima wins her life in her Christmas Market. Please leave me alone with 'spirituality' or OZAY IDIOT'S ENLIGHTENED CAPS LOCK EGO MIND plus ARIHANTA ADVERTISINGS! Our market world is a most simple world without e-mails, a world without blown up EGO advertisings. Market is energy and items sharing down to earth. To demonstrate toys for children is like a prayer: G*D's creature contacts the wonders of our mechanical mind in a mystical marriage. OZAY's plus Bilbo's letters make me sick! CMD may praise OZAY for her political prestige, she too makes me sick! OZAY SHOUTINGS IS NO SHARING ANYMORE! OZAY VOMITS! OZAY'S DESPERATE CRIES FOR ATTENTION SOUND LIKE A BABY'S WHIMPER FOR MAMA'S MILK! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO AVOID OZAY BUT AN E-MAIL FILTER! PUT AN E-MAIL FILTER ON OZAY'S ADRESS! OZAY, THE IDIOT, NEEDS A QUARANTAINE STATION WITH RUBBER WALLS IN THE CLINIC OF SICK MINDS! For years my efforts try to hold up to FREE SPEECH! That does not mean to be RAPED FOR reading of OZAY'S CAPS LOCK CRAP CONTINOUSLY! OZAY SHUT UP FOR A WHILE YOU IDIOT OF BOSSINESS! OZAY DON'T ANSWER ONE LETTER WITH A FLOOD OF YOUR DIARRHOE! OZAY YOU MAKE ME SICK! OZAY YOU DESERVE AN E-MAIL FILTER FROM EVERY ONE! In Bamberg Internet Caffee I shortly switch through one over another OZAY IDIOT FLOODING SPAM SPAM SPAM! What a cheap soap to read CMD's political support for OZAY SPAM FLOOD! Eric, Hans, Michael, Valerie - many people have tried to stop OZAY IDIOT SPAM - all in vain. OZAY YOU MAY SHOUT YOUR CAT WALK ON YOUTUBE TO IMPRESS POOR LITTLE LADIES, OZAY YOU DON'T IMPRESS MUCH! YOU DON'T IMPRESS MICHAEL, HANS OR VALERIE! WHO ARE OZAY'S VICTIMS OF HIS WORD VIOLENCE? A fourteen years old little girl can seduce OZAY THE ROBOT SHOUTING CRIMINAL VIOLENT MIND AND BRING THIS MECHANICAL MALE MONSTER MIND BEHIND THE BARS AGAIN WHERE OZAY BELONGS! Enough of OZAY, THE CAPS LOCK IDIOT, AND HIS ALLIANCE CMD PLUS BILBO! |
Mima is my anchor in an earth bound paradise. Mima works, talks and arrange her simple proletarian life as market wife in December. That's art, not OZAY'S YOUTUBE SPAM SPAM SPAM! For decades of my own violent blown up EGO idiocy OZAY NOW IS THE ROUGH REWARD! But existence opens up a new door, an oasis of love and logic: Michael's group! Come if you dare to meet an honest man, Michael from Munich! Michael is like my Mimamai a creature of heart and honesty. n0by group gathering may serve OZAY and his idiot CAPS LOCK ALLIANCE. I'm totally tired of the OZAY CAPS LOCK TEXT PROCESSING SPAM ROBOT! BECAUSE THE JAIL HAS UNLOCKED OZAY, THIS IDIOT SPAMS HIS CAPS LOCK DISEASE FOR FREE ON EVERY PLACE ON EARTH? OZAY IDIOT should better listen to my simple market Mimamai. She was asked once from someone in front of her counter: 'Do you have anything for free here?' 'Yes', she replied with a smile. 'But I don't know if you wonna to die here right now.' And both laughed together. |