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Waiting for some inspirations to come… Journeys are always good for
inspirations to come. So maybe inspirations will come. The subjects here
in Slano sounds strange: Tourists and Torture, or more exactly: Tourists
are torture for the people, the country. Tourists for a country are like
oil or other ground treasures for the people: a pest for the poor, an
entertainment for the rich. Travelling in Austria you feel already: Most of these mountains are used for tourist entertainment. Snow is spread by canons, when temperature falls below zero Celsius. The ski circus starts. Travelling around the Mediterranean Sea a similar feeling arises: every little place near the sea is used for money milking. Tourists have to relax in short weeks from their weird work and they have to relax in evil entertainments. Prices rise up to the moon in shortest time, until the tourist industry collapse nearly, because the poor prisoners of industrial work can’t afford any longer the high price sun & sea entertainment. |
Last resort of natural environment we have found in Omis
and now in Slano. This little place closed to the sea we rent for us
three, Sea Cow, Mima and me for eight Euros per night. Slano is 40
Kilometers north from Dubrovnik, after we have passed wonderful cities
by the side of the sea with strange names like Mimice or Pisak. These towns are so narrow sided by the sea, that there is space for Hotels only. We rest in Matarska for a while. The street by the side of sea takes our breath away. We ask somewhere for the next Camping place. The guy, who advertises Apartments by the side of the street advises us, to drive to Slano. Here we stay for a night. It feels like loosing ground for such precious places, where you still can rest in nature under the trees, surrounded by bats (Fledermaus) and crickets (Grillen), where the wind from the mountains shakes the tree. Life is still natural and beautiful. |
The street by the side of sea takes our breath away.
Few Kilometres away, next to the main street to Dubrovnik a Palast
Hotel with five stars invites this sort of tourists, who don’t have to
count Dollars. Torturous tourists spend in 24 hours, what their service
slaves have to earn in one month. The High Ways in Croatia are under construction after the war for independence 1991 till 1995. People in other countries like Bosnia Herzegovina will stay poor for decades. These people live few miles behind this Golden Croatian Coast. Torturous tourists flood down the High Ways from German, Austria, French, Russia, Romania, Poland and Italian Cities. Those are the ones, who can afford this evil entertainment, selling sex, sun and sea. Most Croatian industrial infra structure is built for tourist money milking. Around the immense industrial tourist complex like in Solaris, Sibenik, or around the five star new Hotel Complex here in Slano high fences have to protect the cash cows from the hungry hound dogs. These Croatian inhabitants still buy a beer to drink on a bank in the park. These Croatian inhabitants still collect the garbage plastic bottles. |
From March till October the big business exploits the resources,
water, energy, fish from the sea. In few winter months nature can’t
hardly recreate, and next summer will be worse by growing prices, by
more and fatter and more wanting torturous tourists. This Croatian High
Way is felt like another rough road to hell. And you should know too, what kind of people are travelling. Most tourist stay together like a herd in a ghetto. Like usual Turkish people in Germany stay closed together in more or less closed societies of their own, with own language, own media, Turkish news and Turkish news papers, most German tourist for example stick here closed together. They read their own German news, the Hotels and Camping places advertise SAT-TV and for sure the German mass publications like BILD and SPIEGEL are sold here. My favourite newspaper, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, will nearly cost double, so my information channel at night is, what is called “TV for the poor": German short wave radio at 6075 KHz. |
We travel now 14 days, have visited nine Camping Places, have slept
only one night above Stella Maris in Murter for free, and have paid and
average night price around 16 Euros. The web connections in Croatia are
on most places very expensive with more than five Euros for an hour. The summer season is ending now very soon. First autumn winds get more and more stormy, even we have smelled in Omis a first thunder storm from two, three kilometres far away. We have watched the rain falling for maybe five minutes only in the mountain on the other side, when we was on our several hours bike tour up the river Cetina. This river Cetina was another example of tourist entertainment. Like in Austria you reach on nearly every mountain top with a cable train for the ski circus, on this silent flowing Croatian river Cetina a rafting industry was installed. Big rubber boats for around 10 people are brought the river up. The tour down takes three hours, with two rests of 20 minutes for having a bath and taking pictures. We have seen dozens of signs “Rafting Travel Agency – Tickets sold here!” The price for this three hour trip is 17 Euros only in the season 2009. For the tickets included parking into the National Parc ‘Plitvicka Jezera’ we have paid 42 Euros; and it should be mentioned for the record here only in this ending summer season 2009. Driving the hill up to the National Parc Vranske Jezero (305 Meter) we just had a look down in the beautiful nature, the lake, the sea behind and the islands in the sea, one wardener left his house in this stormy place, came to sell us the tickets: “20 Kunar!” “20 Kunar?” I asked, “we are just leaving this place!” “But you have entered our National Parc, now you have to buy these tickets, 20 Kunar per person…” But we just left this angry guy on his lost lonely place, where the tourist industry had build up an excellent new street. |
The Camp in Slano is the first silent, dark night place by the side
of the sea, where you sit undisturbed from traffic and watch the waves,
listen to the sound of the sea and the wind for the best price in
Croatia. At the harbour in Slano is already this Five-Star Hotel with high fences around, just opposite the ruins from old houses, destroyed in the war 1991 – 1995. The new multi Star equipped Croatia is just similar with all tourist entertainments around the Mediterranean Sea. On this little, lost Camping place in Slano rest retired fat Germans maybe for the last sunny weeks. Some are equipped with motor boats, scooters, most with SAT-TV on the roof of their costly Motor Homes. The place is too small for the 100.000 Euro trucks like Concorde Charisma with a weight above 10 tons, more than 10 meters long. The Map & Guide software on my net book calculates the route home to Munich with a bit more than 1000 Kilometres. It is 5.00 a.m. and time to finish my complain about “Torturous Tourists”. The moon is still half full and smiles above my finger dance on the key board. Mimamai left the car and sits here with me in a thin drapery. It is above 20 degrees Celsius. The temperature in the car is quite comfortable with more than 25 degrees at night, because the body is now used to the climate and in tune with these conditions. |
This temperature doesn’t change as quickly like the architecture of
the luxurious tourist apartments around. But the temperature changes too,
what is documented in the skeletons of burned trees. These graveyards of
trees we have seen several times too. To see these ruined houses of war
and ruined trees of climate change is an extreme experience alive,
nothing to compare with the picture flood in the media at home. Dubrovnik, this pearl of Croatia, is just a few hours ahead of us. But this cosy wonderful Camping place in Slano will soon be gone and replaced by luxurious tourist’s apartments for money milking torture. Then you will need to travel 500 Kilometres more to Albania to enjoy still people and nature like they have lived for centuries in tune with their area, with fishing, some goose, melons and peaches, but without ice cream, Coca Cola and beer from Heineken Amsterdam or Lion Brew Munich. When the tourist torture have spoiled this region too, the travel continues far and far to the East. You will have to leave Istanbul behind, pass over to the Asia. Sooner or later tourist need to change into military 4-wheel trucks, because there will be no way for civil cars anymore. But nevertheless earth has not enough for all to enjoy our luxurious life style. The result is obvious: there will be war; my last nightmare had already written about those terrific fantasies. |
Dubrovnik, pearl of Croatia