Italy: Lago Maggiore - way home, Part IV

Saturday, 23th May

On my way home: the last fresh morning bath in the sea at Finale Ligure, it has to go home, back to my beloved woman Mimamai, back to my work on Monday.

The price for eight nights on the camping place 120 Euro, one more night here near Anera at the Lago Maggiore it is the same: 15 Euro per night.

No cell phone on Camping Okay in Seso Calende, my Mimamai canīt reach me tonight. But the Internet-Connection is cheap: 2 Euro per hour!

This Lago Maggiore is a crazy big lake, because all day long the sport boats disturb the peace of nature with noise, noise, noise. Some of these boats sound like heavy motor bikes and they race in a similar way over the water like motor bikes on the streets.

When you canīt stand the heat, you shouldnīt travel in the south. 34 Degrees Celsius in the car, now the evening and the shadow give more pleasure.

Food on my camping table, last day in Finale Ligure

last morning bath  in Finale Ligure

Good Bye Finale Ligure!

"Sea Cow" at Lago Maggiore, 500 Kilometers from home, 280 Kilometers from Finale Ligure

Sunday 25 May: driving home at the morning on the shore of Lago Maggiore

rest in the heat at the height of San Bernardino (1600 meters)
taking a bath in the ice cold mountain brook

Sunday 25 May: back in Bavaria, resting at the "Karsee"

Kissleg, guesthouse "To the Lion": my favorite fish: trout
150 Kilometer from our Munich Home
