"Beloved Tyohar!
Whoever speaks, has to tell something. And the one, who says something, has the power. I have got this experience myself when I have sold insurances 25 years ago with big success. However I have to argue from my fat EGO. You speak as religious human being, who listens now to me. But you feel existence itself. And you have now sold the trip to Costa Rica to me. Because I have now finally found a teacher, who sees his mistakes not only in yourself. But more: you finally are capable, to correct yourself! I am so grateful to you that I here put frankly my wounds and can get healed from them maybe. And so the decision has ripened in me to sell everything in order to go with you to Costa Rica. Other old Sannyasins, friends of mine, have done the same thing years ago with Osho. These friends live with their wisdom in the end on public welfare. However you will protect yourself and your commune and will not allow dualistic-debatable against each other, to manipulate us. That is your work with us and you will save us from bad people, like you have done yesterday. Tank you Tyohar!"
I had thrown all mockery, that I had gathered in my day, it into the devout round. Tyohar said only shortly that I should not go to Costa Rica because I would have no other decision but that I should go from joy and dedication there. As completely speechless I left the hall after Satsang, that nobody had been able to understand my malice. Tyohar passed me, touched me kindly and asked:
Well, when do you go now to Costa Rica "?
" I have meant my sentences as joke!"
I told him my true feelings.
" Yes, and I have used them for other purposes!"
he answered playing over his astonishment.
"I have assumed that you will use my words for business-promotes," |

Satsang with Tyohar, January 1997, Poona
returned, whereupon he loudly laughed at - or about me. In the opposite
Hotel Vitalis, I joined him, still answered his questions concerning
Mikaires Homepage, and I told him from the CopyRight-Dispute about Oshos
pictures - and paid his orange juice.
"Are the Osho-pictures on my Homepage subject also to the CopyRight
-Case then?" he wanted to know.
" If your server stands in the USA the
Rajneesh-International-Foundation will not be able to prosecute you"
I tried to calm him. But maybe the Mikaire-Friends make an ad for you
because of your tax avoidance? Because that was has also been one of their
full moon-questions on Monday:
" Have you paid taxes before your Enlightenment"?
" I have not paid taxes before nor after my Enlithenment",
Tyohar had replies in order to pull the laughers on his side. The devout
Mikaire-Disciples now yelled at him that he is known now as liar and
"You speak of truth! Don't you know, that you have to pay for
your revenues here taxes in the German country ?"
e.a.s.t., 30.6.1999 |