Tearing pages out of history

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Mon Jul 12, 2004  10:04 pm

From: "Don James"
Date: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:04 pm
Subject: Tearing pages out of history

hey, it's 1964 and guys are wearing white levis and low cut black tennies. Surf music is blaring. Hell is raging in Viet Nam, surfers join up, balls swelling. 6 years later the war is still going, hippies rule the earth of the young. There are rumors of enlightenment from guys like John McLaughlin and his Mahavishnu orchestra, but not many seem to care or believe it. Stephen Gaskin speaks up in San Francisco and declares his enlightenment to an elite group of hippies. No one else hears about it. He packs them all up in schoolbusses and disappears into the countryside of Tenessee. 4 years later the war ends and that King of the Universe kid is gonna bring in the Millenium, you hear rumors. Are those people nuts?

Stephen Gaskin speaks up in San Francisco and declares his enlightenment to an elite group of hippies.

He's 14! And then you don't hear so much about him. They keep coming. Hari Das, Buddhist monks and zen masters. In 1980 there are orange people everywhere with beads and a picture of a guru. Orange you glad? He comes to America, you all know the story better than I do, and then you don't hear so much from them either. Movements arise and fall back for lack of something, always a lack of something. Is it sanity? Peer review? Now the latest thing is Ammachi, she's huge (not her personally), she's hugging them all. Speaking of surfing, either you're surfing the latest trend or you're living in some past, some land of could've been. Or maybe being a permanent follower isn't it either, maybe we're supposed to grow wings ourselves? Maybe none of those guys had it all right. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between, a cross between this one and that, and many pieces still not played.

Now the latest thing is Ammachi, she's huge (not her personally), she's hugging them all.
