
  Message 20927 of 21097 |  Previous | Next 

Wed Aug 31, 2005  2:00 pm

 zora- okay here it is.
I have been on a strange fast for a couple of days but the rewards are now becomming obvious- i will tell you of the peculiar nature of this fast if i can get your personal e-mail site- you might have sent it to me - but i can't remember it now.-- mine is - itisthisness at - lol da gaff

V. i don't know what is going on with this computer - i sent you
another pic of the watermelon cake and another one -including a pic
of a flower bush out-side in front of my house- and neither showed
I remember my old friend telling me that is the neighboring city
across the border from El Paso- (this was back in the '50's ) that
once there was a fight in the bullring- the Mexicans pitted a
African Lion against a Mexican fighting bull- to which the Lion
pounced on the back on the bull and mauled it pretty bad and finally
killed it. another one was with a Grizzly bear and the fighting
bull - i think he said that the bear killed the bull too.-- but
these bulls are pretty brave though and have been known to attack a
frieght train while it was moving ( they ain't right in the head either)
I once saw a bull fight down in Mexico to which the bull came
under the padding of the picadors' horse and raked the horse stomach
with his horns and the horse remained standing ( they are blind-
folded and are unable to get out of the bulls' way) --anyway the
horses' intestines just fell out all over the ground,----- i was so
sicken by this sight that i ran out of the place.-- such a cruel
sport- showing the idiotic behavior of mankind- thank god bull-
fighting in that form is not permitted over here. da gaff
