Message 23832 of 23837 | Previous | Next |
Sat Jan 7, 2006 7:19 pm |
v.--hahaha- that is funny but you know it is true and if one (a man) doesn't recycle his semen by applying pressure between the base of the testicle and the anus- which stops the ejaculation and recycles the fluid back through another channel back to the starting point - no seriously it works and man avoids all the negative fall outs of this great event.--- I have been doing it for years after reading about it in a old Chinese Tao book- and it keeps one (a man -younger for longer and more virile)--Semen has a lot of nutrition- and brain food in it. Hey i never heard from you - when i ask for your mailing address to send you the rest of those DVDs- Did you get my post? da gaff |
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